Done correctly, we can ELEVATE GOOD REVIEWS in search ranking and Lower the poor ones...
As we revise your review sites, we can build in SEO, even Hide precious keywords INSIDE images,
Save you time and money attracting your BEST clients/customers
In the right radius of your business or travel area so you don't waste time and money on people too far away
We can EMAIL people on your review sites too!
and help improve the IMAGE of your Business.
Your Good Name should be out there but there are negative consequences to asking for reviews... we can teach you how to do it safely.
And use the review sites AS word of mouth recommendations to grow your business.
It's not true that if you don't pay for ads they delete your good reviews, but we'll show you why that happens and how to avoid it.
With inside information, we'll help you navigate the review process, respond to reviews, request removal of inappropriate ones, and make the GOOD ones come up more prominently.
In fact, your whole PAGE will come up sooner when people search.
Call or text 650-201-9558