1,000 BUSINESS CARDS, full color, double-sided, 14 pt Gloss Cover (C2S) with High Gloss UV
(Before $89 TRADE --- NOW $75 TRADE and $26 Cash Shipping and handling
Please provide Print-Ready Files or we can do your design for $65 on trade
PRINT-READY FILES Specifications: PDF format, 300 dpi resolution, Size: 2"x3.5" add 0.1" bleeds and final size will be 2.1"x3.6"
Can only do 1,000 at a time, ordering 2,000 would be 2Xs shipping cost.
Step 1 go on line and pay with ITEX
Step 2 email art to Juan info@LingoDocs.com
Step 3 an e-mail will be sent for the shipping info
For more listings see Keyword LingoDocs